Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Elephant Man

It's your job to exert control over me.
No entry
how else
my treasure?
He looks so normal,
these machines.
Nothing of any importance.
I'm the owner plain to see
I'm not to be disturbed, not a word,
he is English.

This type of thing.
Thank you, anything at all.
This case, everything you need.
You should be more sociable.
I want to hear you talk
in the name of science
I'm very pleased to meet you
I should very much like to meet this gentleman.

Smoke co-opted and perceived.
the mirror is in plain sight
sleep like normal people
the theater is romance
please I mean thank you
if loving kindness can be called care and loving concern
being stared at all over again all over again
I'm always being praised in the papers
Why did I do it better qualified
a safe and tranquil harbor the motion is carried
thank you everything in your powers
as a matter of fact who needs it
I am a human being. Splendid!
I'll be back in a few minutes, friend.
Memory is video tape and costumes,
a not so fancy film you get to see before you
die. Bravo! In the 20th Century an Ogre could
be alone, unhappy, and die.


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